Another busy day, getting up early, bags out by 7am and breakfast. I thought this was a holiday! This morning we went to a leather factory which makes the goods for Chanel and Gucci. Firstly the young modelled the then the young man chose a man and myself from the group to model a jacket each. They took us out the back and dressed us up in a jacket each. The leather was so soft it was almost like silk. I modelled one of the new designs for this year's Chanel releases. We all had some fun with that and hope to download a photo from one of the other's cameras. Unfortunately that was rather an expensive stop for the bank account. I have had that little stash shipped home, so Bek and Patrick should be getting that little parcel to their door any day soon.
After lunch we arrived at the Pamukkale terraces which are huge white cliffs with curved terraces of water. These white cliffs and scalloped terraces are the result of water with calcium dioxide. This occured after an earthquacke a very long lime ago we were told. After a paddle and a walk around the Roman ruins we came to our hotel. Of course again the meal was delicious and once again ate too much.
Today is the first day of the week national holiday marking the end of Ramadan. All of the eating places will be full tonight. Families all go home to their relatives etc. Yesterday they visited cemetries. Tomorrow is a very early start as we travel by bus the 700 kilometres to the next place with some more ruins (stones) on the way and apparently a museum which is some holy shrine.
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